Finding our True North®

Even if you're part of a "We", still make time for "Me"

Even if you're part of a "We", still make time for "Me"

So many of us in relationships start getting “couples syndrome” after being with someone for a while. You know, that feeling of never wanting to do anything unless your significant other is there or feeling guilty because you don’t want your SO there. It can be hard when you go from an ‘I’ to ‘We’ and you get caught up in the excitement of being with and loving someone. But it’s still very important to maintain your independence and identity and to take time for yourself to practice self-care. 

If you read any of my social media posts or blogs you know that I talk about practicing self-love a lot; but this is a little bit different than going to get a massage in the middle of the day on your own. I’m talking about really taking some time alone and taking yourself out on a date or getaway. We wrote about this in one of January's blog posts, how one women recognized the need to recharge and despite feeling guilty about leaving her husband and child behind, she took a week off to solo travel and take care of herself. In the end, she came back recharged and filled with love and gratitude.

I admire her for her confidence to do that and admit that I need to practice this myself and recognize that if I am going to encourage all of you to do it, that I need to do it as well! So I decided to take myself to Portland for a weekend! Just me, staying at a hotel, going to my favorite restaurants, exploring new shops, saying hi to old friends and making new ones. I knew I would miss Michael but I also knew that I needed to do this on my own for a good dose of self-love and independence! And I was right. It was so worth making the time to get away and focus on myself. When I came back I felt like a rejuvenated and more refreshed version of me!

So don’t be afraid or feel guilty to go out on your own! Give it a shot this month and let me know what you did and how it made you feel! We are here to support and encourage you!

I'd love to hear your stories so leave a comment below or email me at to let me know how your solo date went! 

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